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Reply: Le Havre:: Variants:: Re: Official variants?


by baronholbach

I still haven't had the chance to try this variant since confirming on this thread, but very much looking forward to it as it sounds to me like a good fix.

I still can't help but wonder though why it didn't make it into the Z-Man version. It seems hard to believe it would just be an oversight, which leads me to wonder if Rosenberg was unhappy with it for some reason. I wish there was some info or explanation on this somewhere.

New Image for Le Havre

Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: New print run 2017



by Kenny khek

Happy new 2017! 2016 was a good year with a couple of major well received games being published and reprints being made available. I have added 5 out of the 10 games from Top 10 Anticipated Reprints of 2016 to my collection. However this year’s line-up of games announced to be reprinted is not very strong. I only managed to find 5 titles. This might be good thing, isn’t it? Because this might means that most games that are worth reprinting are already reprinted, no?

Nevertheless forgive me for name this as Top 10 still. It is for consistency sake to satisfy the minor OCD of mine. Here is a list of games that I most anticipated for 2017, http://ttg.lifebits.me/top-10-lists/top-10-anticipated-repri...

Thread: Le Havre:: General:: Made a foam core insert to make set up quicker


by Kcrash5

Here's what I came up with. Should speed up set up quite a bit. Let me know what you think.

New Image for Le Havre

Reply: Le Havre:: General:: Re: Made a foam core insert to make set up quicker


by rePhil

Looks great and very clean made!

I have no experience with foam core, but I guess I would try to print out some labels for the individual boxes? :)

New Image for Le Havre

New Video for Le Havre

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Trading Firm


by ben1835

stanpaulsmith wrote:

I assume you can trade for finished goods, but not for coins.

Clarification requested.

The text says you can trade for "any number of goods from the Supply".

So is it agreed you can trade for finished goods. That's how I played it but I notice it says "from the Supply". Are finished goods in the supply...now that I think about it I don't think so.

This thread also seems to agree on using finished goods (it's ok).


I don't know one way or the other but just want to play it correct.

New Image for Le Havre

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Trading Firm


by Ponton

You can spend and take whatever.
The Le Havre FAQ may be considered official.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Trading Firm


by ben1835

Cool. Thanks.

That is a powerful card and I went to town on it with a stack of cattle. 4 cows for 6 brick or 6 iron? Yes please.

File: Le Havre:: Wariant dla 1, 2, 3 graczy - skumulowane akcje, tylko budynki umożliwiające kombosy

Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: New print run 2017

Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: New print run 2017

Are You Are A God That Can Scheme Your Way To The Iron Throne of New York!? Escape Into My Weekly Update! Amazing Photography Included, As Always.


by Steph

Hia Everyone!

Monday night I was allocated to a 5 player game of Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne. This game I was playing House Targaryen as the beloved Viserys- (if you don't know the books or show then I will clue you in and that we all hate him). He seemed to have a cool power for me the exploit on other rulers.

This game we were sort of beating on Joe (Lannister) and Ron was clearly winning (tyrell). Geoff (Stark) and I were mostly friends and then he made a truce with Lannister and just offered up influence! What was he thinking- he got a few crows in the deal. Lame trade. No one was bringing Ron to the battles because he was getting influence for winning either side of the battles. Tooo good. John didn't know the show or books but he was playing Baratheon and not really spreading influence so much so he was getting hired all over the place to help out.

In the end I was a lil punk and didn't win. I think we were all down to a single influence left to spread and Joe playing as Tywin Lannister won the game when he was struggling to hang on to a few characters with single crowns even.

I blame Geoff for helping Lannister spread his influence. I was taking hostages left and right from Lannister and I managed to kill off Tyrion really early and Joe had it out for me from that point on. I wonder if we were to play again he would forgive me then? :P


Final game of the night was 4 player game of Ponzi Scheme. Geoff was learning this game and joe and I were a mix of teaching it. The game is not that hard to teach and Geoff caught on fairly quickly.

This game I was playing chicken. I was taking low valued investments and mistakenly placed them all on the same space. Ugh bad planning. So I wasn't doing a lot of wheeling and dealing and generally just taking people's money verses buying shares. Joe was doing much better with his money problems and working the shares well. Geoff and Ron were going to lose it was just a matter of when.

It was a slow going game since we actually remembered to cancel cards before the pen passes. In the previous games it wasn't always remembered. I think I like it without canceling the cards- it speeds up the game and I have to say I enjoy the faster game. We were still only playing with 4p and it seemed to have a very slow start.

Mid game when the offers get steeper and harder to match is fun times and it is so hard to read what anyone is doing. Who will have enough money or who won't. It is a nice mind game.

Turned out Geoff and Ron did go bankrupt on the same turn. If we managed to get the crash I would have been the only one left standing. Joe managed to sneak by and survive, but he wouldn't have been able to go another round. Grrrr, I thought I would nab that win but Joe had more shares in the end and won this game too.

I guess Joe deserves a win here and there- but not for a long while! :P


Tuesday night I was picking out my favorite real-time games for the Epic Game Night -short vid- for Friday's instagram. This week was Favorite real-time game. It of course got me in the mood to play some real time games with Ron.

We started the night with Ubongo 3D. Ubongo Your Face!!!! I love this game. It is always a challenge to see if you can manage to figure out the puzzle before everyone else. But everyone is working on different puzzles! Some of them just come together and prove to be quite easy and others are really stumpers.

I love this game. The box is HUGE and the blocks are too. It is just a super game.

Of course Ron beat me by like 10 points. I managed to stay in the game and collect some points he didn't run away with it but he still won with like 42 to my 30 or something.

I said lets make a tower! Ron and I made a tower and I am quite pleased with the photo that came from it. So purdy.


To keep up with the theme of real time I suggested we play 4 Gods.

This time we played with 2 gods each. I let Ron pick his gods before I decided on mine. It is all done in real time and I was just trying to plan the tiles.

I take my time when playing this game but Ron was going to town placing tiles. Almost all of his spaces to hold tiles were taken up while I was still working on filling 1 side. I guess different minds lead to different style of play. I was working on one particular space but he was all over.

In this game you win with the lower score of your second god. You really have to work to balance your gods strengths evenly and work to gain control as evenly as possible.

I did a much better job doing this than Ron did this time. I won a lot of large regions and had large region majorities at the end. Yep there was a question about where the overtaken city points are given for which of the 2 gods. I surmise it is for the weaker of the 2 gods, but it could be clearer in the rules.

In the end I was just happy to win. haha Ron was just soooo sad. He hates losing.


Final game of the night was the small 2p drafting game called Tides of Madness. I was so excited when I first played this and Ron was clearly winning the game but I managed to make him go insane so he ended up losing.

That is the only way I can actually win this game. I can never win by points. Perhaps it is why we stopped playing Tides of Time. I just can not win that game. Maybe he gets super lucky or maybe he is just good at reading me and my position.

Either way, this game is still in Ron's court. He is just awesome at getting all of the points. I manage to get some points but he works on a number of collections at a time and I can only seem to manage 1 or 2. He grabs all of the cards I need and I try not to go insane.

Yah he was on the cusp of going insane again this time but needed just one more insanity to do so. Ended up with all of the points and not having to worry about going insane. It was sad for me. Boo


Wednesday night I was in the mood to lose so I enlisted Ron to lose with me and we played The Game: Extreme.

Yah This went about as I expected. We actually made it though over half of the deck!! I was quite impressed actually.

I thought we were dead in the water several turns before we actually ended because I had to make the leap from 70 to 29 in one turn. Yeah if that is not a sign that you are hosed I don't know what is.

But, we managed to get a few back tracking 10's and it helped a bit. Some of the new cards are just so mean though. Playing onto the same stack definitely hurt us and fortunately we didn't see only draw 1 card that often and it was covered quickly.

Great game I don't mind losing. I don't know why it is so addictive to want to come back and lose over and over.


Since it was still on the table I suggested we play a round of Balloon Pop!.

This game is simple and great. It is like Can't Stop but where you want to get very close to the top but not get there or you bust for less points.

It is a game of push your luck and chicken at the same time. Very odd combo to have but it works well and is a fast cute game. I love those balloon dice!!

This time I was popping left and right. Once I popped the first balloon the 2nd balloon also popped so I was already really far behind Ron in the first scoring. I didn't make it up in the coming rounds but it worked out he wasn't doing so great either with him maintaining better than me.

Oh well, both having a hard game where nothing was rolling right. It ended more quickly than the pervious time. We both had lower scores in this second game so it was a testament to how badly we were actually rolling. I think I managed to break 3 turns in a row. yah fail.

I will do better next time! :P


I gave Ron some choices and he picked out Hero Realms. This was a kickstarter that I got delivered back when I was playing all of the Essen games so it kind of got passed over until now. Ron and I got to play this game at GenCon and I creamed him then.

This time didn't go like the last time. He picked up my wolf card so quickly and I was sad since I wanted the wolf! OMG I can tell you right now I love this game. I LOVE Star Realms and since this is essentially the same game, it is safe to say I love this. It has a *better* theme (IMO) I love all of the characters and artwork and magic. To me it is way more enjoyable to pick up a Dragon card than a spaceship.

Yah this game was not in my favor. All of the cards seemed to be working for Ron and he was creating Zombies left and right. I was gaining a lot of life but not enough yellow cards were coming up to help get me my combos that I needed.

It was a pretty fast game. I looked at my next turn after I had died off and would have managed to get Ron down to 2 health so I wouldn't have been successful winning the game even if he didn't knock me off. :P

I do have to say this game seems a bit more swingy than Star Realms, but it is all awesome to me. I really do love this one!! I can't wait to play again! :D Maybe there will be an app for it as well. I would be so all over it! Maybe I will make a character deck, we will see. I did back the extra characters so I should use them.


Ron decided we should play another game and it was one I had suggested called Elysium.

I have to say I really enjoy this game. I really do not enjoy it 2p. I get it played so infrequently that I have to resort to playing 2p occasionally.

I am just happy to play so I will suffer with the 2p. I really want to get more people into the game though. It can be a lot to read and sort all of the cards. It can be a longer game with 4p but I think it is MUCH better and more exciting to get through more of the cards.

In our game I guess I didn't do the best of shuffling. I tried and was shuffling for like 5 minutes anyway. Yah it didn't help so much the suits were coming in clumps and some colors I am not sure we ever saw. OK that is a lie we saw each color but some were definitely more prominent in the game than others.

My final set collections turned out nothing like I was planning. I had too many in game cards that provided good benefits I didn't want to transfer them to the Elysium so quickly. It resulted in bad timing on all of my transfers and I was a mess all game. Ron completely destroyed me this time. As it happens, anyway. I still did alright but he was like 15 points more than me and that is a lot. He got a lot of bonus tiles while I balanced that with a lot of in game points.

Gotta play this more!


Thursday night Ron and I didn't get much game time but I was feeling like rolling some dice so we played both Rolling Japan and Tokyo. I love this dice game, it is still one of my top favorite fillers.

It is a pull every time since I can never decide on where to throw the numbers it is a great struggle. hahah

this time the dice were happy for me. Numbers were being rolled that just worked with how I was placing them. I might have ended up with one of my best scores for Japan ever. I ended with 10! it was awesome. Ron didn't do as well as I had but he ended with 14 which isn't so bad. 14 has been a winning score many times before.

In Tokyo, I was playing the caution game and kept is simple. I still won this game as well with the score of 8. I think my score of 8 is normal and is what I normally do. It is SO WELL to do better at this game than 8. Everything is touching everything else. Ron lost this too and I was happy!


I decided I had one more game in me for the night and we played Qwixx: Big Points. This is by far my favorite Qwixx title.

Still impresses me even now. This game I was sure I had it in the bag with an early close on the green track. But the second close was very far off. I had a terribly unlucky roll which landed me in Fehlwurfe. Ugh- that was a major swing in the game for me. It was an incredibly unlucky roll since I could have taken SO many options in the blue Row but I just rolled too high! Doh!

Ron ended up getting 15 in the red row for 120 points alone. It was crazy. I managed to get 13 for 91 points but yeah he owned me this time. I totally thought I had him too. Don't plan your victory dance too quickly is the lesson of the day.


Friday night I had some time to kill and I ended up playing several rounds of Noch mal! on BrettSpielWelt. Oh man it had been FOREVER since I played on that site. They have a TON of cool games on there now.

I ended up kicking someones but 2/3 times so that was great. The application is still a nightmare to navigate but I managed and the new game is super easy to play so that was awesome. I had a lot of fun. I won't be counting the games I play on there as part of my total games played though.


Once Ron got home I convinced him to play a game of Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small with the expansions.

Perhaps this is the game I should have used for the clip in the "game you always lose" vid. I picked Tzolkin which is also true. This one I just seem to always lose too. But, the animals have googly eyes and it is hard not to love them and want to play the game. Of course, I would just rather play Caverna, but this is a nice night-time sub.

I lose faster at this one anyway. I thought I was actually doing well this time, I had a ton of cows and a cool building that let me keep pigs near the forest. it all seemed to be working just fine. The major issue was that my buildings were worth very little or no points. Ron had like 20 points in buildings and I had 5. I didn't managed to get an horses and that didn't help either. doh!

Yah he smoked me by like 20 points. I don't even know if he told me the score since i knew the outcome was bad. I think I might have fallen asleep on the board. haha I was losing it by that point.


Saturday was game day in Salem NH. We got there a bit early and had time for a game of 3 to 4 Headed Monster.

I have to say this didn't go over so well. Ron and I explained the rules badly and the game was over before the 2 other guys knew what hit them. Yah, not for the crowd that we were playing with that day. I don't, honestly know, why I decided to throw it in the bag.

Hhaha it was still funny regardless.

I ended up being the good monster and since the other two guys didn't know better or to argue to play cards at all. It was very easy to win this game since I had a 10/0 and basic control over what was happening.

Like taking candy from a baby.


Star showed up and it was my chance to try my new game from Bezier Games called New York Slice. New to me!

Oh man when I saw this game it was a good thing I was planning on having Pizza for dinner on Friday night!

This is a re-theme of the game Piece o' Cake, one that I haven't played so I am not sure on the differences. I know this game has daily specials.

So in the game the slices of pizza are put into stacks and 3 slices each game won't be used. They are all randomized and then one pie is created. The active player reveals the daily special and then has to split the pie in even sections equal to the number of players adding in the daily special to a section. The daily specials can be worth positive or negative points or sometimes just say "you break ties". There are numbers on the different types of pizza and you are trying to collect the most of as many types of pizza as you can. If there is a #3 on it then there are only 3 slices of that type so if you collect 2 of them you are likely safe. I say likely since there is a "wild" card that could be used to tie or break ties depending on which type you want it to be. Anchovies are negative points. If you don't think you are "winning" a specific value and there are pepperoni's on the slice then you can simply score that slice for a point per pepperoni. You see Ron has 5x "10s" and you have no "10s" then you will be more happy to score those slices for the misc. pepperoni points than to try and beat him on it. You score nothing if you don't have the most so score the pepperonis!

The game lasts for 6 rounds and if you are slicing the pie then you get whatever is remaining from the splits. So you want your splits to be good enough for each player to want a section leaving you with the actual section you are aiming for. It is risky and no one plays the way you want them to.

In my game it was just 3 player and I think it works fairly well with 3 players because each player gets to be the slicer 2 times. I would think it would be also pretty good with 6 players since everyone could be the slicer 1 time.

It is a hard call when you are the slicer since you don't want to make the sections TOO good for everyone else. But, you see Ron is collecting 10's and maybe you will entice him with a couple more ten's that he could score for pepperoni points leaving you with the section you could want. This never went according to plan.

I thought I was winning several small values and some more but I was mostly focusing on scoring the pepperoni points for the slices I knew I couldn't win. Yah, don't play that way when you play. This game is all about screwing over other people all while trying to claim majorities with as few tiles as possible.

I ended up the 2nd in this game with Star a few points behind me. Ron had all of the big values and since no one was going to fight him on them he just kept scoring all of the extra slices. It was a bad play on both me and Star. We just let Ron run away with the game.

I have to say I love the rules that are in Menu format and the score pad in the form of a check. SO CLEVER and creative and so easy to do. I LOVE it. It is just adorable and I am so excited to play again. Next time I want to try playing with 6 players!! This is an awesome game that is played in 30 minutes, perfect filler!


Since I was in the mood for more pie cutting (mechanic) I suggested we play Zooscape. New to me!

This is a re-theme to the 2015 game called Curio Collectors. Tasty Minstrel Games took an amazing artist Katy Lipscomb from Instagram and had her illustrate the artwork for this game. It is just amazingly beautiful and turns the whole game around. I liked the first game enough but I love this edition so much more. There are WOLVES!!!

In this game you are trying to catch the animals that escaped. You don't want to catch too many of the same type since the cage isn't big enough. So, for instance the Elephants are value 8 and you can only have 1 of them before they do not score. The wolves and Lemurs you can have up to 3 of each of those animals before they do not score. If you manage to capture max of under the amount then you get to score each card for their value.

the actual game play there are several rounds and the cards in the round are going to be laid out in a line. The acting manager splits the line in 2 and all players bid on the animals they will try and capture. If more than one person bids on the same side of the line then they will be split again and again until everyone captures some section of the line or at the least gets the pity prize of the fishy: value 5 (which could be better than the alternative also, so you might want to).

You might be lucky enough to capture a line of animals when all other players try to capture the other side you will be off on your own with a bunch of animals. That could be good and bad though. You want a lot of variety in your catch but you also don't want to go over board where your animals don't score.

In this game I thought the Vet could discard a hunter card but I was wrong and therefore had to kill off two of my precious animals. I had too many hunters worth -4 points. I was at the bottom of the pack all game. I am pretty sure Ron won that game with like 50 points. I was somewhere like 30 points, it was not good enough. We were playing with 5 players and I don't think I was last though!

I have to say I had a lot of fun with this game and pairs nicely with the NY Slice game for a similar mechanic. This game just has amazing art and I think it will be easy to get it played for a while because of that. Awesome!


Riley showed up and we had planned to play the 4th installment of T.I.M.E Stories with T.I.M.E Stories: Under the Mask. New to me!

I am going to talk about the game-play a bit in the spoiler. I won't give too much away, but the short end is that we didn't end up winning this game and we won't return to play it again. I liked a lot of it and I still like it more than Marcy. I think I was the only one who felt that way though.

[o] In the game you are given the option to change vessels many times depending on who you are encountering with. You don't know what you will be getting so you have to hope they are better than the current person you have. Ron ended up never changing characters since he was the brute force we needed for combat.

We had a hard time in this scenario since we had to continually reset. We just couldn't figure out what we needed to do. I think the main problem with the game was that there was a pin point way about getting through this game and we were just unable to find the path.

Eventually we game up and just started scouting the scenes not worrying about the time allotted and what we needed to accomplish. We tried just about everything there was to try and nothing panned out until we started doing what we were doing. I thought it was clever how we had to cross the Nile and pay extra time. We had to hold out breath at some point which was interesting.

I had fun and I like the setting. I still recommend trying this expansion if you haven't already.



The final game played in Salem was a 4p game of Caverna: The Cave Farmers. Joe R wanted to play Seafall and I wanted to play this since he wasn't even done with that game yet. Star and Frank were interested in learning this one and Ron taught it.

I was surprised to find out that Star hadn't ever played before so I was even more happy to play it.

This game everyone seemed to be going for adventuring and I decided to hang back and see where the board leads me. I nabbed some early rubies which are always so great and flexible at times of need. Ron kept going first and driving me insane by taking all of the spaces I needed or wanted. The new guys didn't know what to do in order to block Ron better from all of the adventure spaces. I ended up eventually getting a weapon, only to be peaceful by the end of the game. I am unsure it was worth my efforts but it worked out for me in the end.

I somehow managed to win that game with 85 points. Ron was just behind me with 83 so it was SUPER close. I think Star was about 75 and Frank was 53 or so. I was shocked that I won. I didn't feel like I was winning. Ron kept getting the jackpot with lots of materials on spaces etc. It seemed he was winning, I guess I was doing better than I thought. I gathered several veggie and wheat pairs, and had a nice selection of animals but I was missing the cow!

Always so happy to play this game I just love it!! The good news is that Star and Frank loved it too. Yay more Caverna fans!


When I got home Saturday night I found a box from Meeple Source! OMG so much love and colors and awesomeness!!! I now moved 5 games to top priority to play. Check it out!


Since I was pumped up and still ready to play games since it was early yet, I asked Ron to play Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar with the new tokens!

I had a SUPER awesome start to this game. I picked up in the first quarter two building tiles that discounted all of my feeding costs for the entire game. I managed to pick up all of my workers and never had to worry about feeding them. My tribe leader allowed me to skip a space on a gear. I mean I was on fire. I somehow managed to muck it all up!

The bonuses each round were for wood chits and corn chits and then finally tech track spaces. I basically forgot about the final bonus and only managed to get 0 points for it.

Ugh I could feel the win!!! It was in my grasp. I lost focus of the god track and spent too much corn too quickly and Ron continues to block me of the cheap spaces and take start player for the corn I desperately needed. Oh man it was a rough several rounds of doing nothing but hoping and wishing.

Turns out I fell several points behind Ron but he was in my sights at the end and I could smell victory but it just didn't happen, again. I never win this game. I do love it and I love my painted gears and now amazing awesome corn tokens.


Still up for several more games so I saw Planet Defenders on the shelf and wanted to play.

I love my space robots Blueberry, Chicken and Duck. This game lasted a bit longer than I might have liked because we were getting on the tired side and it was hard to remember to flip over the actions. haha

it is not a hard game at all and is a nice set collection game with limited actions you can take on your turn. I was collecting a lot of smaller cards that gave me discounts and extra bonuses. The bonuses were awesome and I was very happy to get the one that gave me an extra energy cube if I started the round with under 3 cubes. The essentially allowed me to do 2 actions each turn with no problem. I found getting the robots to be easier with my blue = green bonus card and I didn't have to worry about anything.

I was just collecting what I could when I could and completely destroyed the Ron. Finally won a game it felt like. :P This is an adorable game which probably plays best at 3p. I am just happy I won!


We topped the night off with a few quick games. Started with a game of Kingdomino.

I hadn't played in a while and I wanted to give it another shot with the correct rules since I was in distaste the last time I played. This game didn't help me like it a lot more but it didn't hurt either. 2 player game can be a bit more forgiving since you can plan on a couple tiles each time. We were still only playing the 5x5 grid and not using all of the tiles.

Ron miscalculated his placement and got screwed over by the rule I actually don't like. It is unclear in the rules or we just missed it that he HAD to play the tile if he could and could not choose to toss it if he wanted to. It really screwed up his board and he wasn't able to get the end game bonuses at all. At this point in the game it was clear we were just picking tiles to pick them and end the game. I managed to get all of the tiles I needed and wanted and scored very well.

So the question is could he have choose to discard that tile?

I won and the game was over in 10 minutes or less so no harm. I like it well enough- I kinda like it with my free for all rules. :P


Final game of the night I had to teach Ron, so probably not the best timing on my part to play this title but we played Kanagawa.

Thanks to my friends Gerty and Sylvia for giving me this lovely gift! [user=SillyW][/user]
I had the privilege of meeting them at Essen and we have been in contact ever since. Super awesome people and they have adorable kitties.

I was excited to finally teach Ron this game. I can't say I love this game 2p. Not much tension and choices in the game play. It was hard to show him what the game could be like since with more players you are more interested in finding the cards you really need. There wasn't much rush for the bonus awards and nothing really threatening if I took one before he did and what not.

I ended up winning this game by a bit just because I knew what I was doing and he didn't. I think he will have a better time playing next time with more players.

This game is so pretty. I will have to take better pictures next time since I don't think I really did it justice this time. I was too tired! :P


Sunday morning presented me with a few games of Santorini. This game is just awesome!

To cut down on the all gods and don't know what to choose we displayed 3 to choose from and 2nd player choose first and 1st player choose 2nd. We played a couple of games.

In the first game I ended up badly losing. Ron was Zeus and just building up everywhere. I was trying to get close by to him so I could move him to the other side of me. I was playing as Cheron that allowed me to move Ron. I was no match for Zeus though. Ron totally had me before I could blink. It was over before it started. :P

The second game I thought I had it. I had Eros the god who just wants both pawns to end on a level 1 building directly adjacent to one another- how hard can that be?! Apparently QUITE!
Ron was playing a god that allowed him to do a double build! Man, Ron made a wall across the board so fast my lovers never stood a chance! I was just trying to prevent Ron from getting to a 3rd story all while trying to get to the other side of the wall. Yah no luck. Eventually, he was able to cast me to the side and get to the 3rd story.

Wow that was a crazy good game though. I am sure if the roles were reversed Ron would have been able to get the lovers together.

Loving this game so much!!! You can't just play once.


Since I was on a new token Firenze I requested we play Glass Road.

I am not a big fan of Glass Road 2p, but I was more interested in playing with the new tokens than with 2p. And besides, it was about time I out smart Ron in this game.

It was clear we had to go for the sand pits this game. 3/4 end tiles were for sand pits in the opening flop of buildings available for purchase. OK, right off the bat we were both playing sand pits like it was our job. I threw a lot of swings though and managed to match up with Ron. In the second round we both played all of our cards so that worked out for both of us.

I went crazy for the sand pits and ended with 10 of them. It was quite a sight.

Yay for me I managed to actually win this time with 24 points! I think Ron was 20 points so he wasn't so far behind but he thought I was doing a lot better than I actually was. mwahaha I take that as a compliment.

The tokens don't add a lot to the game play but are so freaking cool I love them!!! I took a bunch of pics. This is such a great game and needs to be played MOAR!


Since I was on a Uwe kick I decided we should play Le Havre.

I was killing it this game. I had a strong early lead and as soon as I could get some boats I managed it. I was shipping away. I was shipping all of my material goods. I still had enough to ship even more time if I could have managed it. My major issue this game was that I was not making any steel. I had all of the coal I could ask for but never got into the big boat game. Ron had all of the luxury boats and major points for those steel ships. I should have figured out a way to get them.

I never seem to have a good balance and when to wait or take without Ron taking before I get the chance.

I think I ended up taking too many fish actions and I should have done other things. Ron seemed to have all of the buildings, but I right out purchased the shipping line with some early money I managed to collect. I love the shipping line but Ron picked up the Wharf and I ended up paying him for a lot to use his wharf including the brick needed. Gah!

I ended the game with $100 from all the shipping and I was pretty proud of that. I was a shipping fanatic! I was pretty happy with my score of $230 too! Yah I should have been since Ron managed to get a score of $270. Yah he completed dominated me with his big boats. damit, don't let him get all the big boats!

I love this game, but man it is so hard to play! We were completely out of buildings by half way through the game. Then it became all about getting the resources and churning them for more points. It was hard to really focus and hone in on a path after the buildings were gone.


Something on the lighter side I pulled out Dream Home. I hadn't played this 2p yet so I was interested in trying it out. We played that the first player discard a pair at the start and it worked just fine. I didn't feel like I was hosed or that I ever made a critical play because of this.

I had a lot of single point rooms because I was picking up décor left and right. All of my Décor made up for the incomplete rooms but it still wasn't good enough.

Ron had no décor but a lot of points from his completed rooms. I managed to complete all of the fundamental goals and roof bonuses but so did Ron, so it wasn't that impressive. Turned around to be a close game but he still won with like 30 points or so.

Still adorable drafting game, probably plays best with 4 players.


Continuing with games I haven't yet played this year, I suggested another Roxley Games game I love called Super Motherload.

This is a super awesome deck builder. There is a nice deck building element here where you are working on building up a deck of your choosing from your own cards. Not like a normal DB where you draw cards at the end of each turn. You are crafting your deck as you go and only get 2 actions each turn so you have to plan carefully and timing is everything. You want to try and avoid setting up plays for your opponent.

I had several starting turns that were awesome and Ron was whining the whole time. I managed to collect 4 awards before he even got 1! but he was working on mostly just advancing his deck and gaining major awards later on. I was drawing pretty terrible cards and nothing seemed to line up in the end game turns. We were milking the 2nd board for everything before we finally revealed the 3rd board for the final turns.

It was all set up wonderfully for Ron. I had an amazing bomb effect and got $20 value in gems, but unfortunately I didn't managed to complete a $20 card I had a $10 and a $25 to complete it was totally wasted and I ended up with so many left over gems on cards it was badly played on my part.

Ron ended up winning by a good chunk of points maybe 20 or so. I lost but I am always reminded how awesome this game is each time I play it. I hope it shows up more often in 2017. It is a small skinny boxed game that should not be overlooked!


Before Ron took off to watch football- we played a fast game of Qwinto. I was SHOCKED when Ron rolled 18. I mean WHAT- it was awesome. we both managed to score the 18 valued pentagon. He filled in all of his pentagons and filled 2 complete rows.

I didn't do as well and I totally mis-counted my score adding 10 points when I should have subtracted. So at first it looked like I won with 89! Yah but I really got 69... hahaha he won with like 77 or so. Doh!

I need to math better.


Final game of the day was late night Patchwork.

This is a game I rarely win, but I felt like a good puzzle light game. Ron always manages to get the 7x7 tile for bonus points and it usually wins him the game.

Like always he got that tile for extra points. I managed to collect a lot of early tiles that gave me button income. I was paying a lot for them, but they were most certainly paying off by the end. My final income was 21 so hey that is pretty good!

I ended up after all of my left over spaces positive 20 buttons! Ron even with his lousy 7x7 bonus tile only had 14 buttons! This was a sweet sweet victory!!!

I didn't think it was possible for winning without the 7x7 tile but people said it was and now I have to agree. Though it is very difficult to do that. I am still shocked, I never win this game!


Just giving you a total so far for Jan-

Different games played: 80

Total number of games played: 100

That's it for now Folks I did finish Stranger Things and it was awesome. I didn't have extra nightmares, so we are good! :D I just need all of the TV shows to come back from the holiday break. Hopefully soon!

Thanks for following along! I hope you have an amazing week.

Until next week!

Happy Gaming!!!


Solo Gaming - Digital and Otherwise


by Mat Thomsen

I am currently enjoying the solo variant of A Feast for Odin. I'm really enjoying it. I am up to ten solo plays of it in fact, and it has got me wondering why this game has been such a satisfying solo experience. The biggest and most obvious reason is that I actually bothered to set it up, learn the solo rules, and play through an entire game. I can't really say that about many games. I did spend one afternoon playing a few solo games of Battle For Souls and enjoyed it, but never played it again. When the solo rules came out for Fleet, I gave it a shot and did not enjoy it at all. I loved everything about Navajo Wars but never managed to leave the nest after playing through the tutorial assisted by the how-to-play videos. Ghost Stories, was another one I tried solo and one I may revisit, but it did not capture my attention, or desire for repeated plays the way A Feast for Odin has.

I'm not a huge fan of Uwe Rosenberg's games, but I do like Le Havre, and it has never even occurred to me to try it solo. So what is it about A Feast for Odin that allowed me to get over the solo-play hump when all of these other experiences failed to do so? Allow me to speculate:

1) The solo variant was clearly explained, easy to grasp, and equaled the two-player experience for the most part. As I was reading the rulebook and came upon the solo rules section, I could see at a glance exactly how it worked. This played a large part in my willingness to give it try.

2) Close to the end of the short solo rules section was a sentence I could not shake:

I really struggled during my first few plays of this game. This was before I tried the solo version and I was getting smacked around by the other players who seemed to have a natural understanding of what to do and how to do it. They scored three figures easily, while I lingered between 70-90 points. This range was just close enough for that sentence in the rule book to trigger an abnormal determination within me.

3) It's Tetris! There is a reason that Tetris remains a worldwide phenomenon. It's an addictive puzzle that players can come back to hundreds of times hoping to improve their scores. Yes, this game has all of the classic Uwe worker-placement tropes (game number ?? to use the same wooden bits for wood, stone and ore), but here, your workers get you Tetris pieces!

Now, I have a feeling that last sentence may have set the Uwe snobs into full attack mode, but that's fine because I finally have a Uwe game I'm excited about, and that should calm the masses slightly.

4) Another common trait among Uwe's games is having multiple point-paths to explore. The solo version of A Feast for Odin shines an intense spotlight on this idea. Because you are essentially playing two sets of workers, you are forced to diversify, but diversify too much, and your path will fade and you end up lost in the woods. It's great fun to focus on exploration boards during one play, and animals in another. I have also found it interesting to discover which parts of the game I consistently return to, emigration for example. I'm at the point now however, where I'm realizing certain plays have become a crutch because I have not figured out how to maximize points using other strategies.

I'm looking forward to additional solo plays of this game. I'm hoping it has opened my mind to try other games solo where I may not have considered it before. But I do feel this game is kind of a perfect solo storm - it generates determination by issuing a challenge in the rulebook, it offers an incredibly satisfying Tetris puzzle, and its solo mechanics run smoothly and are easy to play and understand.

Playing "Solo" Digitally

I wanted to take a moment during this solo-play exploration to discuss my limited digital board game experience. First, I would like to know how you feel about playing board games digitally versus playing them solo on a table. To be clear, I'm interested in the idea of playing digital games solo, not via pass-and-play or online with other players. For me, and many others I think, we play board games for the social experience it offers, so Ticket to Ride is not a game I'm interested in playing digitally vs. an AI.

There are two digital versions of board games however, that I thoroughly enjoy, Ingenious and Kingdom Builder. I should mention that, as an Android user, my choices are far more limited than that of my Apple-using brethren. But these two games are excellent time-killers. More importantly, and more on-topic, these games are great puzzles. Ingenious especially provides a visually appealing brain teaser that I would put in the same category as Tetris. There are certainly mechanical differences, but my point is, the same thing that keeps me coming back to A Feast for Odin, has my plays of Ingenious on my phone in the hundreds. And while Kingdom Builder offers a very different kind of puzzle, it does trigger a similar determination to improve my performance.

What solo games have you enjoyed? Which ones have you tried and never returned to? For the ones you do play often, what is it about that experience that keeps you coming back? How do these compare to your experiences with digital implementations of board games that you also play solo? This has been a new experience for me and I'm curious to hear how others have fared playing solo.

Thanks for reading!

Worker Placement games: an introductory guide


by Derek Turner

It could be argued that there are a finite number of mechanics that can be used in board games, and that the true innovations in game theory come in how those mechanics are combined with one another as well as with various themes and other features. BoardGameGeek - inarguably the authoritative source on such matters - lists only 51 mechanics as possibilities featured in games. That number might not seem very high, but combinations and permutations of those mechanics have resulted in over 88,000 games being listed in the BGG database.

But those 51, although exhaustive, are not necessarily finite in number in perpetuity, as every few years, there is a new mechanic that is developed and added to the list. I would argue that the "legacy" mechanic currently popularized by Risk Legacy, Pandemic Legacy: Season 1, and now SeaFall will make the list 52 soon, since it seems to be developing enough of its own identity to be listed as a separate mechanic.

The most recent mechanic that became incredibly popular very quickly came almost a decade ago, in 2008, when Dominion introduced "deck-building" as a mechanic. There was a huge wave of deck-building games over the ensuing years, and now there are over 1,800 games and expansions on BGG with that mechanic identified, including at least two dozen that have achieved widespread popularity and acclaim.

But it was not too much earlier that the previous innovation in board gaming mechanics started to take hold: "worker placement", or "WP" for short. Although there are entries in the BGG database dating back to 1991, WP really took hold as a prominent mechanic in 2005 with the success of the game Caylus. In the next few years, games like The Pillars of the Earth, Agricola, and Stone Age had further critical and commercial success helping to cement WP as a leading genre in this modern age of board games.

Fast forward a decade, and there are over 1,300 entries in the BGG database that feature WP as a mechanic, including many entries in the upper echelons of the ranks of BGG. WP has emerged as one of the leading mechanics in crowdfunded games as well, and it has become a genre which could easily consume most - or even all - of a player's time. There's even a WP game set in an office building entitled "Worker Placement", which might be the point at which the mechanic unofficially jumped the shark, so suffice to say that it is a very popular genre.

Read the rest of my thoughts on the Worker Placement genre, including games I have played and want to play, some superlative lists of "bests", and my ten favourite WP games at my blog, Life of Turner: http://lifeofturner.blogspot.ca/2017/02/worker-placement-gam...

Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: New print run 2017


by kinekor02

Does anyone know if the Mayfair Games print run will include all cards, the promos & LGH like the Lookout Games version?
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