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Reply: Le Havre:: Sessions:: Re: Le Havre solo play special buildings +55,000,000 points

Session: Le Havre:: Le Havre solo play special buildings +450points


by civ417

Thanks for your comments ponton.There are other buildings that makes the game Le Havre solitaire interesting.

special buildings:
CLAY COMPANY(le grand hameau)
HIDES TRADER(le grand hameau)

ship supply order
w/c w/franc w/cattle fish/c w/fish grain/fish iron/franc

proposal buildings order
marketplace charcoal kilm fishery
bakehouse abattoir smokehouse
clay mound shipping line wharf
colliery ironworks brickworks
cokery steel mill tannery

Round 1 5francs 1 coal

1.1 take 2clays offer
1.2 take 3francs offer
1.3 take 5woods offer
1.4 construction firm(-2francs)(marketplace,bakehouse)(2clays,2woods)
buy clay mound(-2francs) buy building firm(-4francs)
1.5 marketplace(1grain,1cattle,1hide,1coal)
1.6 clay mound(4clays)
1.7 marketplace(1grain,1cattle,1hide,1coal)
harvest 1grain 1cattle
paid to feed 5foods take 2 loans
special building CLAY COMPANY(le grand hameau)

Round 2 3grains 3cattles 2hides 4clays 3woods 3francs 3coals 2loans

2.1 construction firm(-2franc)(charcoal kilm,colliery)(4clay,1wood)
2.2 colliery(4coals)
2.3 marketplace(1grain,1cattle,1hide,1clay)
2.4 colliery(4coals)
2.5 (-1franc) interest marketplace(1cattle 1hide,1clay 1coal)
2.6 colliery(4coals)
2.7 marketplace(1cattle,1hide,1clay,1coal)
harvest 1grain 1catle
paid to feed 10 foods take 3loans
city build fishery

Round 3 5grains 7cattles 5hides 3clays 2woods 2francs 17coals 5loans

3.1 colliery(4coals)
3.2 marketplace(1cattle,1hide,1clay,1coal)
3.3 colliery(4coals)
3.4 marketplace(1cattle,1clay,1iron,1coal)
3.5 (-1franc) interest colliery(4coal)
3.6 marketplace(1cattle,1clay,1iron,1coal)
3.7 colliery(4coals)
harvest 1grain 1cattle
paid to feed 15 foods (paid-1franc) take 4loans
special building HIDES TRADER(le grand hameau)

Round 4 6grains 11cattle 6hides 6clays 2woods 2iron 2francs 36coals 9loans

4.1 bakehouse(6grains--6bread--1coal energy--3francs)
4.2 colliery(4coals)
4.3 take 11woods offer
4.4 colliery(4coals)
4.5 (-1franc)interest take 7clays offer
4.6 colliery(4coals)
4.7 CLAY COMPANY(-1franc)(13clays,13woods--39francs)
buy Iron ship(6)(-20francs)
buy abattoir(-8francs)
harvest 1cattle
paid to feed 13foods(-6bread,-1franc)
city build smokehouse

Round 5 12cattles 6hides 2iron 13francs 47coals 1ship

5.1 colliery(4coals)
5.2 abattoir(12cattle--12meat--6hides)
5.3 colliery(4coals)
5.4 HIDES TRADER(-1franc)(6hides--18francs)
5.5 (-1franc)interest colliery(4coals)
5.6 HIDES TRADER(-1franc)(6hides--18francs)
5.7 colliery(4coals)
buy Iron ship(10)(-20francs)
paid to feed 11 foods(4meat)
special buildings WIND FARM

Round 6 8meat 2iron 26francs 63coals 2ships

6.1 clay mound(4clays)
6.2 colliery(4coals)
6.3 take 8woods offer
6.4 colliery(4coals)
6.5 (-1franc)interest clay mound(4clay)
6.6 colliery(4coals)
6.7 CLAY COMPANY(-1franc)(8clays,8woods--24francs)
buy steel ship(16)(-30francs)
paid to feed 6foods(2meats)
buy cokery(-18francs)

Round7 6meats 2iron 75coals 3ships

7.1 colliery(4coals)
7.2 cokery(79coal--79cokes--79francs)
buy steel ship(20)(-30francs)
buy WIND FARM(-12francs)
buy shipping line(-10francs)
7.3 shipping line(14coke--1coke energy--70francs)
sell shipping line(+5francs)
7.4 buy shipping line(-10francs)
shipping line(14cokes--1cke energy--70francs)
sell shipping line(+5francs)
paid 9loans(-45francs)
7.5 buy shipping line(-10francs)
shipping line(14cokes--1coke energy--70francs)
sell shipping line(+5francs)
7.6 buy shipping line(-10francs)
shipping line(14cokes--1coke energy--70francs)
sell shipping line(+5francs)
7.7 shipping line(-1meat)
(14cokes--1coke energy--70francs)
buy shipping line(-10francs)
Last action
shipping line(3cokes,2irons,5meats--1cokeenergy--29francs)

TOTAL buildings 84 ships 52 francs 341 = 477

Reply: Le Havre:: Sessions:: Re: Le Havre solo play special buildings +450points

Reply: Le Havre:: General:: Re: Le Havre Multiplayer - Online!


by Briguy_12

Hi Ponton!

Tried a couple of games with friends last weekend via remobo, the connection was stable enough although we encountered a few bugs when taking back a turn, and paying off a loan during an opponents turn.. anyone else had this?

Thread: Le Havre:: General:: Bulding cards, put by each player or mark ownwership in communal area?


by needs_more_dog

I am a brand new player (and these threads have helped immensely so Thanks). I have a question about building. I liked an idea I read where instead of putting the built/bought buildings in front of each player as the games suggest, someone suggested placing them all in one area so all players can easily see them and then simply marking them with an appropriately colored cube (removing the cube if player sells it). My question 1 is, what does everyone think of this (and if this has been covered already please just direct me to the thread, I couldn't find one)? Good points to this vs. bad points on doing this? 2) If we did do this, how many cubes (of each color) is a reasonable number to cover most situations, in other words, what's the most number of building players will build in typical games? Not having played before I'm unsure. Thanks.


Reply: Le Havre:: General:: Re: Bulding cards, put by each player or mark ownwership in communal area?


by JohnRayJr

Well, I can only speak for myself, but my groups always place buildings in front of their owner. It's easy to see what you own and what you don't, consequently it's easy to see when you should be paid for the use of your buildings and when you should pay others. It's also easy to see what kinds of selling options you have, and what kinds of building priorities you have based on what you already own.

Really, the only thing that might not be easy to see is the actual text on the buildings, but in my games players orient their own cards so that they face their opponents. After all, I can easily read my own cards upside down; they're right in front of me.

Of course, readability only matters to inexperienced players in the first place, and I don't see how putting all the buildings together in the center makes them more accessible, obviates the need for experienced players to answer questions or for inexperienced players to spend time scanning cards, etc.

That's how I see it. I don't think you gain anything by pooling cards and marking them with cubes but if that works better for a given group, more power to them.

Reply: Le Havre:: General:: Re: Bulding cards, put by each player or mark ownwership in communal area?


by ravenskana

Here's an example of how I place cards in the game:

Note this is not an actual game, just a quick setup I did to show how I use the Buttery cards to indicate player rows. With this setup, you can see all the options you have to place a worker, where if each player puts cards in front of him or her then you can't easily see that.

So in this example, the top row are the cards owned by the town (I use the game setup card for the number of players as the substitute for the buttery to indicate the town), then the next row are the cards owned by the green player, then the blue player, and then the red.

I have discovered in some games I need to make two rows for the town, so if you implement this perhaps leave some space between the town's row and the first player's row in case you need it for additional city owned cards.

Reply: Le Havre:: General:: Re: Bulding cards, put by each player or mark ownwership in communal area?

Reply: Le Havre:: General:: Re: Bulding cards, put by each player or mark ownwership in communal area?


by bigloo33

Yeah, most games are with 2, but if more, we usually stick a colored glass bead on each building, in the middle, to signify ownership. That said, I am scapping that and doing the rows, as pictured above. Best ideas are usually the simplest!

Reply: Le Havre:: General:: Re: Bulding cards, put by each player or mark ownwership in communal area?


by PauloSantoro

JohnRayJr wrote:

Well, I can only speak for myself, but my groups always place buildings in front of their owner. It's easy to see what you own and what you don't, consequently it's easy to see when you should be paid for the use of your buildings and when you should pay others. It's also easy to see what kinds of selling options you have, and what kinds of building priorities you have based on what you already own.

Really, the only thing that might not be easy to see is the actual text on the buildings, but in my games players orient their own cards so that they face their opponents. After all, I can easily read my own cards upside down; they're right in front of me.

Of course, readability only matters to inexperienced players in the first place, and I don't see how putting all the buildings together in the center makes them more accessible, obviates the need for experienced players to answer questions or for inexperienced players to spend time scanning cards, etc.

That's how I see it. I don't think you gain anything by pooling cards and marking them with cubes but if that works better for a given group, more power to them.

That's exactly how I (and everyone I know) play the game. Much simple.

Reply: Le Havre:: General:: Re: Bulding cards, put by each player or mark ownwership in communal area?


by rrrrupp

I find that having all the buildings in a central location makes the game go quicker for my group so I use colored beads to show ownership. Many of the people in my group haven't played the game very often so they aren't sure which buildings are available for actions and it's much easier to look through all the available buildings if they're together.

Thread: Le Havre:: Rules:: Selling question


by pazu

Can i build (not buy) a building and then sell it in the same turn?

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Selling question

Thread: Le Havre:: Rules:: Questions about Wharfs and occupy the same building twice in a round


by pazu

i) Can a player own 2 wharfs? And is the wharf modernization separately? Does the brick keeps in the wharf if i sold it out?

ii) If i have more than one turn in a round, can i use the building twice in a round as follow?
1st turn, buy the building (kick other player out if owned by town) and use it.
2nd turn, sell the building to the town (get half of purchase) and use it again (pay the entry fee if needed)


Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Questions about Wharfs and occupy the same building twice in a round


by Kenran

Yes you can own 2 wharfs and yes modernization is separated.
Don't know for the bricks but i think it will stay if you sell the wharf.(but you don't want to do that)
No because your token stay on the building even if you sold it.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Questions about Wharfs and occupy the same building twice in a round


by Keithustus

Kenran wrote:

No because your token stay on the building even if you sold it.

Anytime a building is bought or sold, any token there is removed. That lets you buy or sell an occupied building at the beginning of your turn then use it.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Questions about Wharfs and occupy the same building twice in a round


by dkeisen

Kenran wrote:

Yes you can own 2 wharfs and yes modernization is separated.
Don't know for the bricks but i think it will stay if you sell the wharf.(but you don't want to do that)
No because your token stay on the building even if you sold it.

Incorrect. If you sell a building, you get your token back.

You can in fact use the same building twice consecutively, if you're willing to sell it in between.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Questions about Wharfs and occupy the same building twice in a round


by Ponton

Keith and Dave are correct.

Once modernized, a Wharf stays modernized for the rest of the game.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Selling question


by Knightwizard3

Yes, and in fact this happens quite often because the building player is actually after the building below the one built. So you might see a "build/sell/buy" move. Or sometimes the building is immediately sold to help buy a boat.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: Questions about Wharfs and occupy the same building twice in a round


by pazu

Refer to the rules:
"Buildings may not be sold and then bought again in the same game turn."

May I bought it and then sell it again in the same game turn for entering the building again?
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