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Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: construction firm, buying


by TermiGator

Happens more often recently. Running into post discussing about some now-nomore existant post... Thats the downside if you don't take all the content rights from the user :)

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Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: Le Havre Computer Game


by lclaudius

Hi, Grzegorz. Very nice implementation, thank you for your work.

I'm using Linux Mint, and I managed to run using Jaroslaw's command.

Sir_Yaro wrote:

java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar JLeHavre.jar 

I'm playing a solo game, and I found what may be a bug. The Diner special building (016) should pay 8 francs per each set of Wood, Smoked Fish and Bread (up to three sets). The card details agree with the card image, but when I enter the building, the message asking how many sets will be used informs that only 3 francs will be played per each set, and indeed I only received 9 francs for the three sets.

Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: Le Havre Computer Game


by yzemaze

That’s odd.
in ./config/buildings/buildings.txt there should be following lines (135ff):

# Diner (1 Wood, 1 Bread, 1 Smoked Fish --(3x)--> 8F)

Any chance there’s a 3 instead of an 8?

Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: Le Havre Computer Game


by lclaudius

yzemaze wrote:

That’s odd.
in ./config/buildings/buildings.txt there should be following lines (135ff):

Yzemaze, I don't have any folder under ./config, only three files (gui.txt, lang.txt and login.txt). There is a ./model/buildings/ folder, besides the building image folders.

Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: Le Havre Computer Game

Reply: Le Havre:: News:: Re: Le Havre Computer Game

My White Whale


by Stuart Burnham

"He tasks me; he heaps me; I see in him outrageous strength, with an inscrutable malice..."

In the past year I've managed to get my head around several heavier games but there is one that has thus far eluded me, despite my chasing of him. I just cannot get to grips with the underlying mechanics and strategy. I can see that there is a magnificent game in Le Havre but I cannot grasp it; it torments me each time I try.

I've read advice in the pages of BGG, I've watched videos, I've played the app (with and without the help on) but I have not (yet!) struck with my harpoon, much less reeled the beast in and tamed him.

Is it just that resource conversion is perhaps not for me?
How is it that I can see the interlocking cogs in Panamax but can't fathom the depths of this?
Should I just take the fish offering?

"...Whosoever of ye raises me a white-headed whale with a wrinkled brow and a crooked jaw; whosoever of ye raises me that white-headed whale, with three holes punctured in his starboard fluke - look ye, whosoever of ye raises me that same white whale, he shall have this gold ounce, my boys!" (and girls!) (seriously; there could be some GG in it for you...!)

Do any of you suffer from a similar obsessiveness?

Thread: Le Havre:: Rules:: What does F. value mean on resource tiles?


by OpT1mUs

Each resource tile has , in the lower right coner, a F. ( I assume Franc) value eg. 3 F. What does this exactly mean? We didn't manage to find anything about it in the rulebook? Thanks.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: What does F. value mean on resource tiles?


by PlatinaD

It's the amount that resource can be sold for at the shipping line.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: What does F. value mean on resource tiles?


by grant5

OpT1mUs wrote:

Each resource tile has , in the lower right coner, a F. ( I assume Franc) value eg. 3 F. What does this exactly mean? We didn't manage to find anything about it in the rulebook? Thanks.

It's the amount of francs you'll get if you ship the resource at the Shipping Line. It's also a good reference for the relative value of resources, and certain special buildings refer to it.

Reply: Le Havre:: Rules:: Re: What does F. value mean on resource tiles?

Review: Le Havre:: Corey rambles about Le Havre


by chopkins828

So there's this board game that is pretty well known here on BGG. The setting of the game is a developing seaside town. During the game, players all participate in the burgeoning economy by building buildings and engaging in commerce with each other and the town itself. A player can visit the property of another player, but must pay a fee for doing so. Players may take out loans, but interest must be paid. The game is known to last a while, but there is a shorter variant described in the rules. The winning player is determined by their cash on hand, plus the cash value of their assets.

Obviously, the game I'm talking about is Monopoly.


Le Havre is Uwe Rosenberg's celebrated follow-up to Agricola. There are many similar ideas in the two games, but fundamental differences as well.

Le Havre, like Agricola, is a worker placement game. However, throughout the game you will only ever have access to one worker. On a player's turn, she does one of two main actions: 1) take a pile of stuff from all the different magically-refilling piles of stuff on the board, or 2) put your one worker in a building and take out that building's action, paying a fee if you do not own the building. Your worker stays in the building until you move it to another one on a later turn. In addition to this, you are able to buy buildings and pay off loans as extra actions.

Every seven turns, the round ends. At this point the players pay some amount of food and gain grain or cattle if they already have some. The town may build a building from those available to players or from a set of special buildings. A new ship will become available for building.

Building ships is a major part of the game, since they give you permanent food discounts and allow you to sell goods for cash. More advanced ships (Steel, Luxury) are also worth quite a bit of money.

Building and buying buildings is another key factor in the game. Many buildings will allow you to turn raw materials into more advanced goods. Some of these advanced goods (especially coke and steel) are key to the end game, and some can be very lucrative if sold.

At the end of a set number of rounds, each player gets one more action. This is the only time that multiple workers can use the same building. Then, all players add up their cash on hand and the cash value of the buildings and ships they own. The player with the highest total wins!

Stuff I Like

d10-1User friendly. This is a big deal to me. It's really annoying to have to look up the minutiae of setup instructions at different player counts if it's scattered around in a rule book. But with Le Havre, once you've played a couple of times you can probably just throw the rule book away (but don't really do it!) Seriously though, I've probably only had to check the rule book two or three times since I bought the game a couple of years ago.

In Le Havre, all the setup instructions are included on the board and on the cards. The board even includes the setup for the short game and the solo game. The cards in particular are a work of genius, allowing themselves to be sorted and ordered for different numbers of players (and different length games) with incredible ease. I think the boards and cards in Le Havre edge out The Castles of Burgundy for me in terms of pure component functionality.

d10-2Short game. I am a sucker for games that have multiple ways of playing right out of the box. Especially when the game is big and thinky. This allows me and my wife to have a low-stress learning game that doesn't throw everything in at once. Now, the "short game" in Le Havre isn't really less rules-complex than the main game (since there aren't really a lot of rules anyway), but it's nice to not have to commit an entire evening to learning a new game. Plus, the short game is great on its own, when you want the "feel" of Le Havre without the time commitment.

d10-3Simply complicated. Let me just come right out and say: I usually have no idea what I'm doing in this game. At any given time, it's probable that I have my actions planned for the current round, but the next round might as well be the year 3000 to me. This is why, when I hear people say, "Well you've got to plan from the very beginning with your last turn in mind," I just start laughing. Because they obviously don't see the big pile of fish that Tricia just left sitting there I mean c'mon!

Ok that got away from me a little bit. My point is, even if I feel like my brain has just been wrung out like a sponge after I play, it's not because the game has complicated rules! It's because through a simple rule set, the game has given me a deep and challenging exercise in forward planning. But seriously you guys, you would have taken the pile of fish too, there were like 20 of them.

d10-4Variability. Now Le Havre doesn't quite have the variability of Agricola, which basically came with three expansions in the box, but it does pretty well on its own. First, there's a nice little system in place that will slightly alter the order the buildings come out, but doesn't change it so much that the game is broken. Next, there is a deck of 36 special buildings. Each game, you pick six of these that the town might build ("might", because one or two won't get built). A lot of these special buildings provide alternative ways of making money beyond shipping stuff, which is nice.

Stuff I Don't Like Quite as Much

d10-1Game length. This is pretty minor, since there is a shorter variant, but the game can drag on pretty long (and I only ever play with 2!) I'm usually feeling it by the end, as I'm trying to form the mush that my brain has become into something that can make a rational decision. I know, to some of you I must seem like a lightweight. But anyway, it might not hurt to have some cold ones on ice for after.

d10-2Fiddly. This isn't something I really care about, but I figured I'd put it here. There are a whole bunch of little square pieces of cardboard in the game. The rules are going to tell you to just pile them up on the indicated spaces. Do not do this if any one of your playing partners is at all persnickety! Half of the game will be taken up in a vain attempt to keep the piles from intermingling. Do yourself a favor and buy some small, cheap, plastic containers that will fit right on the spaces of the board. You will save time and sanity. You're welcome.

Pulling into Port

To wrap this all up, I'll just say that, to me, Le Havre is a great game. It's a high quality production, and it makes players think at a high level. I know this because until last weekend I had lost literally every game to my much smarter wife. But on Sunday, November 8th 2015, I won. The score? 278 to 277. *mic drop*

Corey rambles about... Review Geeklist

The Quest: A Beginning (Part 1)


by Jonathan Jordan

In my last post, I mentioned wanting to play all of the BGG Top 100 games. I figure, if I am going to talk about that I should start off by listing the ones I have already played. So, here is a quick and dirty rundown of which ones I have marked off the list (as of November 2015) and my general thoughts on them.

Twilight Struggle
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: I am not normally a two-player guy. I have a handful of games that work for two players, but I prefer a good 4-6 player game. However, this is #1 on the site for a reason. I found this game very fun, with a lot of difficult decisions. I loved how everything is a tug-of-war with no definitively good play at any time. Every single turn was a struggle to offset the gains I was giving my opponent. I lost horribly, and loved it.

Terra Mystica
My Rating: 10
Thoughts: I originally bought this because it was so pretty. A large box with colorful pieces drew me in. I stayed for the rich gameplay. The idea of an area control game where you are better off being close to your opponents is a nice change of pace. The player boards are gorgeous, and tell you everything you need to know about how to play (once you learn the symbology). I am also a sucker for variable player abilities. Solid game, and one of my Top 10.

Puerto Rico
My Rating: 9
Thoughts: A classic game. As far as I can tell, the first one to use the idea of one player choosing an action and everyone else getting to do it. I like how that plays out in the game. Not only does it limit what is done in any given turn, but it also makes you have to plan just how you choose your actions. Knowing what your opponent wants to do is crucial.

My Rating: 8
Thoughts: This was my first taste of worker placement. Not a very forgiving game, but so much fun to learn. I can credit this game with my love of boardgames.

Android: Netrunner
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: I played the original version of this, when it was a collectible card game. At the time, the rules were to complicated for me to fully get. In the years since, I have experienced far more games of much higher complexity. Now, I see how brilliant this game is. Asymmetrical gameplay is something I find I enjoy a lot. Plus, I am a sucker for the setting. I loved Blade Runner as a movie, and this scratches that itch nicely.

The Castles of Burgundy
My Rating: 7
Thoughts: A game I held off on buying for a long time. The box and components do not immediately impress. However, the game plays very well. Of course, I should have known this would be the case. Stefan Feld always makes good games.

Power Grid
My Rating: 7
Thoughts: I rate this higher than I feel I should. Not a game I am any good at, or even really enjoy much. What I do love, though, is the way the market works. The ebb and flow of resources as supply and demand shift is very inspired. Worth owning, even if it is one I don't play much.

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: I love co-op games. I love games that tell stories. This one does both. Nothing more need be said. :p

Le Havre
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: Another worker game with a very interesting trading mechanic. I have noticed I am really bad at any sort of game dealing with trading or economic factors. However, the possibilities in this game are so varied that I can't help but love it.

Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: The only thing I love more than a co-op is a co-op with a possible traitor. This game serves that up well. Even better, every player has their own individual goal as well as a group objective. Even if there isn't a traitor, you may have players working against the best interests of the group just to fulfill some unusual goal. The only thing holding this game back for me is the theme. I love zombies, but have enough zombie themes games that I have no need for this. Now, when other Crossroads games come out, I will likely be all over them. Sci-fi or some other horror scenario would fit well with this mechanic.

7 Wonders
My Rating: 10
Thoughts: Any game that can play as fast with 2 players as it does with 7 is a great game in my opinion. With the right group, that is exactly how this game works out. You add in the theme (always been a lover of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) and variability in player boards and I am sold. The first few expansions only helped to make this a perfect game to me.

Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue
My Rating: 10
Thoughts: I am an old school Magic player. I was never good, but I loved the game anyhow. So, naturally, deckbuilders are a thing I love. This is the originator of the genre, and still one of the best. While I love the original set, I do think Intrigue is more my style. I love being sneaky and duplicitous, and that set is about as good as it gets for Dominion. Even though, really, that was not my favorite set of them all.

Dominant Species
My Rating: 9
Thoughts: Such a fantastic game. I have always wanted to make a game related to evolution, and this is one of the better takes on that theme. This is one of the few games long games I have played more than once or twice. Every play through has been fabulous.

Race for the Galaxy
My Rating: 7
Thoughts: Taking what I love about Puerto Rico and distilling it into a card game. Even better, making it science fiction. Of course I would love this. I would have rated it higher, but the reliance on symbols makes learning and teaching this game a very difficult task. I am also less impressed with the progression as new expansions came out.

Eldritch Horror
My Rating: 10
Thoughts: I love Cthulhu. I love story in my games. Arkham Horror was one of the games that got me interested in the hobby. This is basically that, but quicker. I appreciate the larger scale as well as the smoother play experience.

Lords of Waterdeep
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: A very thematic euro. As a recovered D&D addict, I had to try this game. Especially since i was a fan of the Forgotten Realms setting back in the day. There is a friend of mine who loves to play games, but struggles with all of the complex rules in modern board gaming. He is a Fluxx/Apples to Apples kind of guy. He dominates at Lords of Waterdeep. That is proof to me of a great game.

Battlestar Galactica
My Rating: 7
Thoughts: Yet another co-op, with a traitor. My first dip into that pool, actually. I just played it again this week and it is still fun.

The Resistance and The Resistance: Avalon
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: I used to love hidden role games. They are not my thing as much anymore, because my play group can read me too well to make the game enjoyable anymore. However, these games are still a ton of fun. Any time you can get a deduction game like this, without player elimination, it is impressive.

Tigris & Euphrates
My Rating: 7
Thoughts: I will be honest, I have only played this in app form. It is a very interesting game, but not one I am terribly familiar with. I do enjoy the app though.

Roll for the Galaxy
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: This game takes an existing game I enjoy, and turns it into a dice game. All of the difficulty with the symbols in the card game are mitigated with this variation. I think this is actually superior to the cards game for this very reason. I hope the game is supported with a few more expansions to really flesh it out.

Five Tribes
My Rating: 8
Thoughts: Meeple Mancala. Seriously, who would have thought that would make such a good game. Sure, there is a bit more to it than that. But, still, at its heart, that is what this game really is. Yet, I absolutely adore it. Enough so that even though I have friends who own it, and can play with them whenever I want, I had to won a copy for my own collection.

A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
My Rating: 10
Thoughts: A game of war and politics, where the politics are subtle. I can really get into that. I am horrible at war games, but excel at games where you can ally and play other players against each other. This game allows me to do just that. The Wildling Track means there is a bit of co-op in there, but not enough to lose focus of the fact that only one person can take the throne and win. I loved the first edition when I played it years ago, and find this edition to be even more fun.

Wow, this post is getting a little longer than I intended. I will have to split this up into a second part, to be posted later.

Fever Dreams.


by Marcus Boyce

I have a chill in my bones and I'm either too hot or too cold. This can mean only one thing, right? Time for a game of Le Havre.

Despite the chills and the coughing I played OK, my befuddled brain didn't quite grasp the entirety of what I was doing but I avoided loans, and shipped goods, I turned one resource into another.

The game ends and I tally up a score of 125. Mrs B tallied up and said she had 142 points. Well given I was hallucinating, awaiting the drugs to kick in I wasn't too disappointed.

Then she said; "oh I need to add my coins to this score"

Her coins.

She'd already crushed me just on buildings.

Her coins.

She'd actually scored 201 points.

Then with the fever gripping me I suggested we play Concordia:Salsa. The outcome was predictable.

Reply: Le Havre:: Reviews:: Re: Corey rambles about Le Havre


by Drummyralf

chopkins828 wrote:

:d10-3: Simply complicated. Let me just come right out and say: I usually have no idea what I'm doing in this game. At any given time, it's probable that I have my actions planned for the current round, but the next round might as well be the year 3000 to me. This is why, when I hear people say, "Well you've got to plan from the very beginning with your last turn in mind," I just start laughing. Because they obviously don't see the big pile of fish that Tricia just left sitting there I mean c'mon!

Corey rambles about... Review Geeklist

My games of Le Havre in a nutshell :laugh:. Great review and overview. Thanks!

New Image for Le Havre

Thread: Le Havre:: General:: Game balance issues....


by comrade7

I just played 2 games with a friend. First a short variant then full variant.

In the second game I got 202 points and won. It was my frist full game.

My impression is some actions in the game are totally overpowered while others are very weak in comparison.

1) Harbour Watch. It pop up early in our game. A total game changer. Games where this card comes out early will surely have a TOTALLY different flow. Every action is now available, no possiblity of blocking actions. You will be able to fully exploit infinite coke transformation strategy (see below)

2) The game is about actions where you can transform basic resources into advanced resources. But some of these actions are total crap while others are totally overpowered. The crap actions are limited to x4 (Tannery) or x6 (Smokehouse) and/or require energy while others allow for INIFINITE transform completely for free (without energy) e.g. Cokery or slaughter house. Even though Cokery is available in the late game, all these buildings seem relatively cheap and there's enough time to build everything pretty fast. There's a lot of time to build large stockpiles of resources to convert in the end game.

3) Coke is a perfect example of an overpowered resource. Compare how easy you can get 4 x Coke worth 20 coins and 40 energetic value with, say, 3 steel worth 24 coin or 4 leather worth 16 coin and zero energy. Getting lether is a joke! The strategy in my game was a no-brainer. Especially with Harbour Watch where my opponent couldnt stop me from visiting coal mine and stockpiling coal before using Cokery (to generate coal worth shitload of money to sell later AND get immediate cash!). I only got enough steel to build 2 steel ships for VP and to sell my huge stockpiles of coke in the very last round of the game. I had 5 ships total, 2 wood 1 iron and 2 steel. Sold 15 resources in my last action, mostly Coke

I mean WTF, why would I want to go for any other resource? The coke strategy was so obvious, and other resources I just needed a bare minimum to build the necessary stuff or feed my population.

4) I noticed it's better to pay money for food and build this ridiculously big stockpiles of grain and cows, and then in the mid-game transform a selected heap of stuff into food in just on action. Visiting slaughter house or bakery multiple times is simply a waste of actions. I did exactly this and solved food problem for the whole game in ONE ACTION where I baked 14 bread. I ended the game with about 14 cows. I didnt even need to sluahgter them for food, because I had food surplus. They were just sitting there. Couldnt even sell them because I was a coke dealer

A 2 player game is about exploiting infinite Coal->Coke transformation action and ability to sell the stuff Infinite transformation is so much superior to any other action that have 2x, 3x, 4x limits it felt like the game was broken...

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